Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 25th - No meeting

Softbox image using one SB600 speedlight right side at 1/4 power.

No meeting on July 25th. I will be gone for the week camping in WV and SC. I hope everyone has a great time shooting photos, hanging with family and relaxing from a tough work week.

I am excited to see everyone's photos on flickr from the past two meetings of "portraits." and any pictures we take between now and August 1st (next meeting) Even if it's just one or two pictures post them. I love seeing other's photos. Try to post some humorous photos on flickr as an assignment. Whether they are from a while ago or recently shot, post some humorous photos in the Manna group.

For our next meeting on August 1st we will be building a DIY (do it yourself) "softbox" or "lightbox". If you are unfamiliar with a softbox it is used for macro photography (a.k.a. close up photography) and it gives even lighting for subjects.

A short video on what we will be building:

Copy and paste the link then watch the video.

Materials needed:
Cardboard box with size range of 12 x 12 x 12 to 24 x 24 x 24
White tissue paper (what you fill presents with)
Duct tape
White poster board and/or black poster board
Exacto knife or tool to cut cardboard

If you have time to build the box before August 1st then build it and he will come. Who precisely?
I don't know but I wanted to use the famous line by James Earl Jones. If you don't have the time bring the materials
to build on Aug 1st or ask to share with others as we were taught in elementary school.

I highly recommend you make this $5 piece of photography equipment because you will get some
amazing shots from something so cheap and you will want it to take home and keep using it.

On August 1st bring a few items to take pictures of that are laying around your house.
Time of that meeting is TBD. Check back on the blog for that.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 18th meeting

We had a great time at our portrait session on the 11th. A few new folks showed up and we talked about the exposure triangle a bit and then used two models for portraits. I didn't snap any photos,but a few, so I want to see everyone else's pics on flickr. That way we all can see the beauty of Diane and Mia (the models).

We finished around 11 and then ventured into the lobby area to use the window light to get more pics. We were having so much fun that we shot for another hour and got some great photos using the reflector as a fill light and the sun as our main light. We even got a few unexpecting models (yours truly and Rich) to get in front of the camera. Scary!

I was going to change the topic for the 18th meeting to Macro photography but I know we will benefit a lot more from one more week of portraits so the 18th will be portraits again. Lets meet at 9:30 instead of 9 to give those late birds a change to find those dwindling worms.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 11th meeting - Portraits

Evidence of a family outing (yes, that is my father) that was titled "Dress a family member for $7 at Goodwill" then go out and putt putt in the outfits. Luckily we were on vacation and we didn't see anybody we will ever see again.

The July 11th meeting will be "Portraits". We will be meeting in Rm 213 at Manna Church at 9am.

I want to set up the room with some lights and work on lighting portraits and posing/different set ups. I'm gonna bring in some of the church chairs and couches to help us get different looks/props. So if you have any lights please bring them. Also, bring some random props that could be used as well. Use your imagination. Props like hats, fashion accessories, random items in the house, etc. can make great pictures.

Lets bring something to share for breakfast as well. Donuts, fruit, bagels, OJ, breakfast bread, etc. I'll bring some breakfast cinnamon cake.

Comment back or email me back you what you can bring.

See you all saturday

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July pictures

The 4th was tiring but enjoyable. Here are a few snap shots of my adventures in Hope Mills. I joined Manna Church in the annual "4th of July Water Giveaway" at the Hope Mills Fireworks. There were so many volunteers from Manna that I eventually just took out my camera and starting walking around. I had some great conversations with many people I knew and some I got to know.

4th of July thoughts

I hope everyone had a blast on the birthday of our free country. Living in Fayetteville gives me an appreciation of our freedom and the costs, both in life and distance relationships, that are sacrifices of immense portion. Thank you to all who serve, have served, and will serve to protect our country against all enemies, both domestic and abroad.

Our freedom gives us the ability to celebrate it's glorious occurrence each year and each day. In addition, our freedom to live a life of glory each day is because of Christ. I find myself in awe EVERY day of how God sent His only son on earth to die so that I can be set free from the sins I have and will commit. It's a little tangent but I imagine the conflict Abraham dealt with in Genesis. Think about this:

In Genesis 22 Abraham was willing (v 3-6) to sacrifice his son who was promised to him, by God, to be the start of the family line of the messiah. When God called Abraham Abraham said "Here I am". That reads with such force and will of your life to trust God's every call. Abraham's response showed his reverence for Him and he took God's directions and followed them to a "T". He saddled the donkey, cut the wood with his servants, traveled 60 miles on foot to Moriah, and brought his one and only son with him to be the sacrifice. Take a deeper look (reading between the lines) and imagine the turmoil of the heart Abraham was likely wrestling. God promised that his one and only son after years of waiting would be the father of fathers of fathers to the messiah. And an only son! I can't imagine the thoughts he had when saddling the donkey and cutting the wood with the servants. Thoughts that likely brought him to tears along the 3 day journey.

This can seem necessary and faithful when looking hindsight but put your child in the story. That means go in the woods and cut down a lot of wood. Pack it in the back of your car with a cooler and books on tape to listen to for the long 3 day journey to California. It will be just you and your son or daughter going with you. While you are preparing for this your first born son or daughter is helping you with all the necessary tasks and is very willing to take a trip with mom or dad. You mention you want to worship God when you get there and want to build an altar for Him when you get there. He or she is so excited to help mom or dad in this adventure. When you get to your destination you build the altar with you son or daughter and they ask you "Mommy(Daddy), where is the sacrifice?" You say "God will provide us the lamb" As you say this waterfalls and body jolting tears are held back because you know what God has asked you to do. Then comes the time where you have to physically tie up your child and place them on the alter. Could you imagine? Could you imagine the look of their face and seeing their eyes? Could you imagine the shaking of your hands? Could you imagine the struggle they may give you? And then the knife. You pull out a knife and hold it above the body of your precious first born. "OH MY GOD, WHY ME?" would be a prayer at the top of your lungs with tears drenching your shirt and hands shaking so vigorously that you can barely hold the knife. You know the story of the angel bring the ram caught in the bush but what if that wasn't the case? What if God really did ask you to drive that knife into the chest of your son? It is vulgar but that was what Abraham was ready to do. Are you?

Abraham was so free in the presence/connection/relationship with God that he was willing to give his promised son up for God.

Thoughts? Additions?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 4th meeting "Fireworks & Festivities"

Our July 4th meeting will be "Fireworks and Festivities" I know many of us will be venturing off to bbq's, gatherings, parties, boats and more both in and out of town. I didn't want us to miss out on the assingment so I altered it a bit for this week. Therefore, let's take advantage of the country's birthday and make some photos.

We won't be meeting at Manna at 9 am (woohoo for the night owls) but rather be on our own for the day and post our pictures on for the others to see them. The assignment is "Fireworks and Festivities". Get some great shots of friends, family, others, fireworks, ice cream, swimming, boating, messy faces, etc. Whatever you are doing on this day will be great. But keep portraits and the rule of thirds in mind. If you are unfamiliar with the rule of thirds check out this video:

Remember, rules are made to be broken (don't tell my 8th graders). A lot of pictures are spectacular when obeying the rule of thirds and a lot of pictures are spectacular without obeying the rule of thirds. Play around with the rule and get some great photos. I look forward to seeing your photos.

Also, take the holiday opportunity to share Christ with someone. You will likely be around both Christians and non-Christians. Take a small step out of your normal conversation with a non-Christian and ask them a question about Christ or church or mention a story in the bible that seemed interesting to you and ask for their opinion. A small change in conversational direction can be used in a large way by the Holy Spirit.

See you in Hope Mills (I'll be there for the day and night) or see your pictures on flickr.

Next week, July 11th, we will be meeting at Manna Church in Rm 213 to finish our Portrait series (that sounds like a pastor thing).