No meeting on July 25th. I will be gone for the week camping in WV and SC. I hope everyone has a great time shooting photos, hanging with family and relaxing from a tough work week.
I am excited to see everyone's photos on flickr from the past two meetings of "portraits." and any pictures we take between now and August 1st (next meeting) Even if it's just one or two pictures post them. I love seeing other's photos. Try to post some humorous photos on flickr as an assignment. Whether they are from a while ago or recently shot, post some humorous photos in the Manna group.
For our next meeting on August 1st we will be building a DIY (do it yourself) "softbox" or "lightbox". If you are unfamiliar with a softbox it is used for macro photography (a.k.a. close up photography) and it gives even lighting for subjects.
A short video on what we will be building:
Copy and paste the link then watch the video.
Materials needed:
Cardboard box with size range of 12 x 12 x 12 to 24 x 24 x 24
White tissue paper (what you fill presents with)
Duct tape
White poster board and/or black poster board
Exacto knife or tool to cut cardboard
If you have time to build the box before August 1st then build it and he will come. Who precisely?
I don't know but I wanted to use the famous line by James Earl Jones. If you don't have the time bring the materials
to build on Aug 1st or ask to share with others as we were taught in elementary school.
I highly recommend you make this $5 piece of photography equipment because you will get some
amazing shots from something so cheap and you will want it to take home and keep using it.
On August 1st bring a few items to take pictures of that are laying around your house.
Time of that meeting is TBD. Check back on the blog for that.